What’s good Decoding40 friends? We’ve come to the end of one of the most difficult years in all of our lifetimes. Despite all we have been through, we are extremely honored that you have been a part of our journey and sharing in all of the information and laughs we’ve had throughout the year.
For this holiday special, we discuss the top three impactful events of 2020. Topping the list is of course the Coronavirus COVID-19 and how we all moved from a state of unconcern to being all out affected in personal ways. With over 300,000 deaths, to date, it is hard to find someone who wasn’t touched by this pandemic. Even our team was affected. Mack, unfortunately, lost his dad to the virus in the spring and Rick contracted the virus too. Vin had to brave the virus at work on a daily basis. And, Leon sheltered in place and to make sure his family was COVID-free.
We also discuss the social justice movement that swept the world due to several incidents of police brutality and the lack of accountability when it comes to law enforcement violating civil rights. And, finally, we give our thoughts on one of the most influential elections in recent history and what we hope to see in the next administration.
Thanks again to all of you who continue to support us each and every week. We extend our prayers for peace to you and all of your loved ones. We can’t wait to show you what we have in store for 2021!
We’ll be back with a new podcast episode on January 8, 2021.
Be sure to catch us every Monday night at 11pm EST for Decoding 40 After Dark on FB Live, YouTube, and Twitch when we resume on January 8, 2021
If you want to leave us a message or ask us a question, give us a call at (608) 618-4040. Want to be our Whiskey Warrior of the Week? Or, do you have an event or product that you would like us to attend, sample, and promote? Then, please send us an email to Decoding40@gmail.com to start the discussion.