Welcome to another episode of Decoding40. After getting shut down by the powers that be the boys discuss a smorgasbord of topics including shopping at Home Depot, Netflix’s The Social Dilemma, the passing of the Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the future of the country and a number of other dystopian gems.
If you haven’t already registered to vote, please do so by visiting www.vote.org. Don’t let all those who dedicated their entire life to fighting for these rights die in vain.
The 2020 Census is more than a population count. It’s an opportunity to shape your community’s future. Please complete the Census for 2020.
Be sure to catch us every Monday night at 11pm EST for Decoding 40 After Dark on FB Live and YouTube.Want to be our Whiskey Warrior of the Week? Or, do you have an event or product that you would like us to attend, sample and promote? Then, please send us an email to Decoding40@gmail.com to start the discussion.