The guys start off the show catching up with one another and talking about the latest happenings in their lives. It’s a mixed bag of expensive deli sandwiches, trainers, viral kids, potty training, working seven days a week, and a commitment to self care.
This week’s topics include threesomes, Trick Daddy’s recent skirmish with the law, the reformation of the bail system in New York and the potential unintended consequences. The crew also talks about the dramatic swell of homeless people who now populate the streets and trains of New York City, jail food versus public school trip lunch, government block cheese, life in the Reagan era, food stamps in undergrad, and a few other laughable moments.
This Week’s Libation is Tin Cup Whiskey and has an amazing effect on the crew.
You’ll hear all this and more in this week’s episode of Decoding 40. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Patreon.Want to be our Whiskey Warrior of the Week? Or, do you have an event or product that you would like us to attend, sample and promote? Then, please send us an email to to start the discussion.